My promise to the world: A world where people's inner gifts and resources are reflected in community with great love
As I sit here in my friend's apartment in Marina Smir,on the northern coast of Morocco, I reflect on what I envision for the new chapter of my life, which carries the promise of a self-sustaining divinely guided,educational and crafting community: The Jewel Community.
From 2006 until Oct 2008, I lived my life in Spain, as though the community would begin there. Then came the day, when Zoe, my intuitive mentor, told me it was time to move to a completely new area. Through thought-partnering with Jan Stringer, I realized that I was going to the Moroccan Sahara desert. I had been curious about the life in the desert, especially the Sahara, for years and years. I thought that was where I was going to create the community.
The divine had a different purpose for me there. It was there that I completed lifetimes of living as an enslaved woman, a woman who was trapped by the cultural practices that she was born into. For a short time, I experienced these circumstances once again. I was protected while I passed through this tunnel. For a while I fell into the illusion that all could work out (and we are under the influence of one of the planets, which causes us to fall under illusion easily, for the next few years), from these circumstances, and then in my last experience, it was all I could bear, for I was not allowed to leave the house without being accompanied, and I had absolutely no personal space. It was then that I called Jan Stringer, to clear myself of this old past vibration which I had attracted.
Once I completed this cycle, I felt ready to move, and to attract a community of people, once again, who are like-minded.
For the last three years, I have lived without credit cards, paypal,and most of the time my bank account has been empty. When I came to Morocco, I had just enough money to reach the desert. I thought when I was there in the desert I would hold attraction gatherings and healing sessions to earn my way. But what happened was, I was not in a space or place to do this work. Part of my clearing out the past was an intense health challenge, which I never once feared for coming back into balance. Once again, I surrendered to trusting the divine and my inner divine guidance.
The day came when it was clear, so clear that I must leave Hassilabied in the desert.
With no money,food,or water, I asked to be dropped on the highway in the middle of the desert. Once again, I could feel the timing, the perfect timing. It was time to leave in that moment when the driver offered to take me from the village. It was an intuitive feeling in my whole being. However as I watched the car drive me further and further out, I felt a fear much larger than I had ever known in years. Zoe had forewarned me that there was to be a fear and I was to step through it.
I tell the story of how I travelled 500km from the desert to the coast of Morocco, where my friend offered her apartment for me to rest and regroup. I travelled without money, except for a few dirham that were handed to me. I travelled safely without begging. I relied upon the guidance of the divine masters.
I am writing my book,"The Jewel Guidebook: a lighthearted toolkit for living in the new world" and I am including my journey from the Sahara to the northern coast of Morocco, as an example of how to follow inner guidance. Many have told me, that I am the catalyst. I am the one to experience the new way of living, and show the way to others.before the others.
When I saw the Dalai Lama a few years ago, he spoke about the importance of people getting connected to their own values and inner gifts. He said religion no longer works. One of my jobs is to live the experience of the new way, so I can be a light for others. The new way is living by following my intuition, following inner guidance, and asking for help from the divine masters.
Now I rest here in a western style apartment across the boulevard from the old world of the Sofitel, and the marina,and the mediterranean. I am grateful for this haven, while I regroup,recoup,and connect!
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