I am here in The Woodlands, TX. And it feels like I am in timeless spaces,
and that I am not really here or anywhere, on the ground.
I have the feeling that I am in many places at the same time.
My clear intention is be in quartzlike stillness, natural surroundings,
with loving, like-minded community,
preparing garden beds and helping seed the evolving living community.
At the moment, I am in my father's house.
My mother has already ascended, and the house no longer feels like
her house. It has physical changes, and reflects my father's desires.
I feel comfortable being in our family home,
and as always, delight in my father's presence.
All the noises of civilization are here.
I had a chance to start rewiring my ears on the northern coast of Morocco,
where I could hear traffic and construction sounds.
I am not the same. I am now grateful for my sensitivity to sounds,
for I hear the chirping of a flock of heron in the trees, like never before.
Every animal movement seems to catch my eye.
A person says to me, after I have arrived,
"You'll get used to the noise. You just have to adapt."
And inwardly I say,"I am glad that I am sensitive like never before,
and I get to choose what is next for me, based on my sensitivity,
and I get to choose how to receive the noise that surrounds me at the moment."
I choose an environment where one can hear a few sounds at any given time, and those sounds are natural...human voice or animal or trees swaying in the wind, as examples.
Mother nature has made me be more sensitive, so I could help others to be sensitive. I have always been the catalyst, stepping into something, a new awakening, so that I could help others.
Now, as I sit here in The Woodlands forest, in a protective embrace,nearby the traffic roaring steadily on the busy road, I create my new reality.
Deep in my bones, and coming from deep in my stillness...is the voice..."Now is the time for people who are ready, to start uniting in like-hearted communities and plant seeds. Now is the time for planting gardens.
Meanwhile I notice a transfixed gaze by people in the airports, the restaurants, and in my own family's home, on the news. Obama, Obama, Obama. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it.
I sense a frozeness, asleep at the wheel. The general public's feeling sensation of the new world we are moving into, is still in frozen state. Afraid to make a move. Afraid to knock on people's doors and invite them over for a new conversation about local community. It is the same in Morocco and Spain. An inertness by the majority. I just make note of this.
I invite the people to join together, who sense what I am sensing...a wonderful window of opportunity for what we always dreamed of creating. The time is here.
Communities of Creative New Thought. Communities that actually have physical structures and land, and begin by connecting to mother earth: digging and nurturing and harvesting, in harmony with her rythms, in harmony with one another. Communities who self rely upon their own resources.Communities where people are doing what they love to do, and with people with whom they want to be with.
It is time for starting food gardens. The bells are chiming! It is time! It is NOW!HURRAY! It is time for starting new hives of bees and meadows of wild flowers.
I rely upon others for the practical knowlege of these new projects. My specialty is in bringing people together, and helping them connect to their own truth and to the truth of the community. I help communities create their Beeing, their true alignment in harmony and synchronicity with the universal energy. Part of creating that new Beeing is sweeping out the part that no longer serves. Healing is my other specialty. I can heal people of the lower vibrations of the past, given their willingness. From the creation of the new Beeing and identity of the community, I help the community to launch into inspired actions and structures to support this.
I invite others to join with me to be a Symphony of Mad About Beeing Community Alchemists! I am writing my attraction plan today for people who want to join me in forming a Consortium for Supporting the Creation of New World Communities. And I will post it in my next blog. I also invite you to read Hilarious Hillary's new column, www.hubpages.com/hub/hillarys-fifth-dimension-encounter, and you will receive a lighthearted model of the power of creating Beeing, through the story of Encounters with Moroccan Policemen.
Can't wait to meet you. You can contact me at anniesherwood@yahoo.com or call me, Annie Sherwood at 281-419-6707 in the USA, for a conversation about starting a new community!