My dear friends,
Amazing summer days we're having. The energy is almost unrelenting in wanting us to let go. I continue to write "The Journey of The Jewel".I have reached the 2/3 mark in completing my book. I, myself can only write if I surrender to the energy of love.
I am excited about what's becoming of the book. A former coach of mine said, that this book will take me many places. I want that the book support me in my future projects. I was collaging today, and it came through powerfully my intention to help children trust in their inner guidance through connecting in nature. There is still more information coming after the Aug. 6th eclipse, so I'm holding off on declarations about my upcoming service to humanity.
"The Journey of The Jewel" will answer questions like these...
How did I manage to complete my almost 3 year journey, often being without money? What did I learn about my relationship to the Invisible Realm? How did I manage to book myself in the Algeciras cultural center, where not even the locals manage to get in? What role did my space cat, Principe, play in my story? How did the raging fire manage to spare the buildings on the ranch,yet burn everything around them? What were my walks in the night on the lonely winding road, all about? What was the divine vision I had for humanity, in my altered state in the desert? How did I manage to make the exodus from the Moroccan Sahara to the coast, 500 km away, without food and money?
A page of my story is published in the book which was released this June, "Bee-ing Attraction: What love has to do with business and marketing?" by Jan Stringer and Alan Hickman
My stories spellbind the reader. I write in guided flow. My intention is to inspire the reader to trust in the Invisible Realm and to be uplifted.
There are many myths we have lived by, through our schooling. These myths get dissolved. Time and time again, the reader sees evidence of the miraculous. Wonderful blessings surface out of nowhere. If you love Paolo Coehlo's "The Alchemist" or Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, and Love" you will love my story. My story appears almost surreal in some parts, and yet it was all real. The more connected we are to the Invisible Realm, the more surreal the life around us seems.
I am inviting you to be one of the first to receive "The Journey of The Jewel" which will be published in September 2009!
I would love for you to support me by being the one to purchase one or more copies of my book in advance. I am selling copies of my book at $20 a copy.
For people who purchase 3 copies or more, I am offering a special BONUS, which is reflective of a special gift I have of putting the healing energy into inanimate objects. You will receive a stuffed animal decorated with a crystal necklace. You will be astonished that the animal you receive was just the one for you!
It is very simple to participate!
1. Email me about your intention to participate anniesherwood@yahoo.com2. State how many copies of my book you want to purchase for a book delivery date in September 2009.
3. Send me a personal check for the number of copies of the book you desire. You can also send a direct deposit to my account. (I'll send you the acct.no.)
You can make the check out to:
Homer Sherwood
and mail to:
Annie Sherwood
21 Dellforest Court
The Woodlands, TX 77381
4. I will send you a receipt for your purchase by email.
In September 2009, when the book comes out, I will have it shipped to you,
and will include The Surprise Stuffed Animal, for those of you who order 3 copies or more.
I thank you for your loving support and interest in sharing my gifts and talents with all of you!
Many hugs,
Annie Linnea Sherwood
281-853-5455 (cell)