We have just a short time, before we enter in to a whole new phase of our lives.
I just found out that I will not know completely what my service to the world is,
until after June 23rd. (sometime after that date) Meanwhile, certain healings were brought forth for us, and will be repeated in the month of June before the solstice.
Recently I noticed that I once again wanted to fall behind the footsteps of a male spiritual leader. Yes, he speaks in a way that invites thought and inspiration.
Yes, he is charasmatic. And no, I don't feel the energy transmitted through him, than I've felt in my own meditations or in the energy vortexes I have been in. I have always asked the divine realm, through ascended masters, to channel the energy to me, as I meditate. I envision some of them with great reverance, to help me draw on the divine energy. I have done this for the last 27 years.
Yesterday, I called my intuitive mentor and pyschic, for clarification in this area and others. She is the one whom I called from time to time as I travelled alone in southern Spain and Morocco, following inner guidance. She is clearly one of my guides to the Invisible Realm.
The message channeled to me: "Don't follow male leaders any more!" I had been getting pieces around this direction throughout my journey, as I would call in to Her through Skype,from sometimes remote regions.
I would first like to ask you what could be the deepest meaning of this message, if you take this to be something to contemplate for yourself,
as we are entering into our Truth big time in these next few months, and anything which does not serve inside of us, will be healed. That is for sure. We are graced with and guided to everything we need to pass through this divine portal. All you have to do is believe so.
What could this channeled message mean?
We know that the male species has the divine presence in his core, awakened or not.
I am getting that there is new knowlege for us to have now. It is time to finely tune our understanding and own our own divine goddess presence.
I know for myself, there is still a little bit left of...the princess waiting to be rescued by the prince (since my father was mostly emotionally unavailable to me as a child). From time to time I find myself believing what is coming out of a male authority while shutting down my own Truth. It is uncanny.
In Spain, there was a male friend of mine, who acted as a Gnostic community leader. I would go to his house in the city to speak with him. I was guided there from the very beginning. As I sat there in his living room, and he expressed his opinion, I watched myself hold back from speaking my own Truth, contrary to his! (had been doing this my whole life!) Being in Spain awakened much in me. I was horrified! I let him get away with nonsense and he was speaking about me! I was not so interested in getting political, never have, or defending myself. There is no need to defend anything AND there is a need to speak my Truth! (and from there, one can be very playful about it. Sometimes what is called for is humor. Sometimes sterness. Sometimes a parable.)
So the point of my story is: I learned that I had been denying my own Truth, blocking myself from my own Truth, because of a man I wanted to please.
There is much more unfolding to me about male leaders and it has nothing to do with being against males or being in disgust, or wanting to wage war. And yet there is something very crucial to understand here. It has to do with ME, GODDESS ME. DIVINE GODDESS WITHIN ME.
I would love to hear about your own discoveries, and so I will pause a few days before writing more. I am writing to the GODDESS in you!
with great love, Annie